Thisismein1972 - even classrooms of children will game a teacher and the teacher does not know. A class is under tight control but a few know how each should respond to game the teacher. Maybe only one child knows how to do it and the others go along with it.
Same with a parent managing a child - the parent strives to find techniques that the child responds to. The child is oblivious to parent's tactics. This can be a good or bad thing depending on the motive and the desired end. Psychotherapists do the same and will carry out experiments to assess the effectiveness of techniques.
The road to hell is paved with good intentions - didn't we all go out on the ministry? With good intentions. Then finally we woke up and realised the GB had been gaming us all.
It is a very powerful thing - you try to tell a fully-in publisher they are being lied to by the GB. They will not accept it. Maybe eventually they accept it when something hits them personally. Or perhaps it is only by the grace of God that people wake up to Watchtower's tactics. And as you say these things go on in the political arena too.